台北藝術中心 / 藝饗券

#插畫 #表準字 #平面

Nam semper semper ex
In porttitor pellentesque sapien

李翰 / Han Lee

Email                   haniboirocks@gmail.com
Telephone               +886(0)920 014 010
Instagram               haniboi.tw

插畫家,畢業於倫敦中央聖馬丁平面設計系,多重身份的插畫家,作品以鮮豔的顏色與乾淨的線條為創作風格,創作領域包含平面/玩具/音樂/商品 等不同範疇,歡迎各種合作。

Illustrator, graduated from the Graphic Desig Department of Central Saint Martins in London. An illustrator with multiple identities. His works use bright colors and clean lines as his creative style. His crative fields include graphics / toys / music / merchandise.